Guiding people on their journey through life and supporting their mental health with compassion, kindness, and personal understanding

Wellness won’t always come to you, often you have to “Go Fetch It”

Some ways we can help support you:

  • Mentoring and sharing lived experience to walk with people on their road to improving their mental health

  • Understanding your diagnosis and what you can do for yourself. Remembering, you are not your diagnosis 

  • Learn to be your best best advocate 

  • Whole person health

  • Complements to traditional treatment, like diet, alternative therapies, different exercise options

  • Peer support (people with lived experience helping each other) and how that may impact them

  • Reducing the overwhelm

  • Helping with decision making 

  • Developing daily skills to fight depression and anxiety

  • Understanding the role a pet may play for your mental health 

  • Understanding how relationships can impact our mental health

“Jeff and Earl were a wonderful support to my daughter, they help to change her view of herself.”

— Emily